Rob (MCPI)
Mar 22, 2023
Opinion piece written by our Founder, Rob.
That is correct, you read it right. The most famous serial murder case in world history may have a connection and a final answer here in Rochester N.Y.!Â
The murders took place in 1888 in the WhiteChapel section of London. The crimes were grisly, demonic and never solved. Over the years several subjects have been put forth as the Ripper, and this will probably be the case for years to come. The murders sparked a worldwide Ripper hunt, that turned up suspects only never a closed case. It is doubtful that now 120 years later the case will ever be solved completely. There has been a plethora of new scientific and pseudo-scientific advances that have brought us closer than ever. Hand writing analysis by top researchers in the field, criminal profilers from Scotland Yard, the F.B.I. and N.Y.C.P.D have all offered up information on the case. I personally have read now four different books on the cases and each one puts forth a final answer as to who the killer is, however only one name is consistent and found in all four books. He is the named suspect in a recent profile and now more than ever he seems to make the most credible suspect.Â
The now infamous "From Hell" letter has been compared to known samples of his handwriting and it has been concluded by more than one analyst that the style, flow, grammar, spelling, coloquialisms and letter forms match. That is correct, they match!!! The only positively known piece of Ripper evidence the "From Hell" letter, which arrived with a kidney from one of the victims was written with a greater than 90% chance by this one man. In the letter the killer aknowleges eating the other kidney, a way to keep a victim with him forever.Â
He was know later in His life to hold extravagant dinner parties and then show the guests the hundreds of female sexual organs he had kept in jars around his house. He claimed to be a doctor and did have a very good knowledge of the human anatomy. He traveled the world on the funds he made as a "doctor" but stood accused in the U.S. and Canada of crimes as serious as manslaughter of a patient. He received nor formal medical training and did a majority of his learning on poor unsuspecting people.Â
The victims in the case were all prostitutes, he was married once before his open turn to homosexuality. The suspected reasons for this were that his wife had kept her past as a prostitute a secret and that during his travels she was still "working". He would often go into rages about how disgusting and untrustworthy the female of the species were. He often dressed in overblown military dress from no particular country, often mixing countries, and proclaimed that being surrounded by fit military men was a far better life.Â
At the time of his death in his personal belongings were found very expensive jewelry, $400.00 in cash and $1000.00 in spendable bonds as well as two ladies rings that were valued at less than $3.00 each, but were exact matches to rings that had been taken from one of the Ripper bodies. Those rings could have been a serial killers mommento, and most profilers believe that a serial killer does take some sort of mommento from his victims.Â
He was in WhiteChapel at the time of the murders, being arrested for "gross indecency" (homosexual activity), and subsequently released from jail only to flee England to France under a fake name. He then traveled to New York, where a team of investigators from Scotland yard followed after him. It has been reported falsely that only one inspector came to the U.S. to trail him when in fact the records at The Yard, indicate at least 6 members were dispatched to locate and follow him. Why would anyone have that many agents assinged to watch them on a misdemeanor charge. The bail for which $300.00 was set unusually high at the time. THE MURDERS CEASED IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE FLED THE COUNTRY.Â
His looks and physical stature matched all of the supposed likenesses of the Ripper, he was also known to his friends to often be out on the streets at night.Â
He was Irish American and spoke and wrote with mixed slang, which also matches the "liverpool" letters which are also tied to him through analysis.Â
Taken as individual items these all seem to be coinceidence, put them together and "Jack The Ripper" is Born and Burried in Rochester N.Y. as Francis Tumblety ....Â
His grave sits quietly in a cemetary along Lake Ave., and is adorned with the actual family name from Ireland Tumuelty.Â
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you ....... JACK! Rochester born, bred, and dead.....